Download The Mechanik Full Movie | Real The Mechanik Movie Download

Genres: Action , Drama , Thriller
Actors: Dolph Lundgren , Ben Cross , Ivan Petrushinov , Olivia Lee , Raicho Vasilev , Assen Blatechki , Antony Argirov , Valeri Yordanov , Dejan Angelov , Ivaylo Geraskov , Hilda van der Meulen , Naum Shopov , Atanas Srebrev , Levana Finkelstein , Nikolai Sotirov
Director: Dolph Lundgren
Country: Germany, United States
Year: 2005
IMDB Rating: 5.5/10 (2414 votes)

Spetnaz (Special Ops) veteran Nick Cherenko leaves Russia after his son and wife are killed in a gunfight by drug lord Aleksandr 'Sasha' Popov's mob men. He's threatened with exposure as illegal car mechanic in L.A. by a fellow ex-pat tycoon who offers him $500,000 to liberate her kidnapped daughter. He only takes the job when told the capturers are Sasha's goons again. The mission's long path to find the girl and escape over the Finnish border, where his team is to be paid, is littered with blood and corpses.

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