Download Where the Buffalo Roam Full Movie | Download The Whole Where the Buffalo Roam Movie

Genres: Biography , Comedy
Actors: Peter Boyle , Bill Murray , Bruno Kirby , Rene Auberjonois , R.G. Armstrong , Danny Goldman , Rafael Campos , Leonard Frey , Leonard Gaines , Otis Day , Mark Metcalf , Jon Matthews , Joseph Ragno , Quinn K. Redeker , Lisa Taylor
Director: Art Linson
Country: United States
Year: 1980
IMDB Rating: 6.5/10 (6168 votes)

The deranged adventures of Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson and his attorney Oscar Acosta, referred to in the movie as "Laslow". Thompson attempts to cover the Super Bowl and the 1972 Presidential election in his typical drug-crazed state, but it continually and comically sidetracked by his even more twisted friend Laslow. Allegedly based on actual events. Written by John Rumpelein Dr. Hunter Thompson, who is better known as the character in the Doonesbury Comic Strips Zonker's Uncle Duke, shows what earned his reputation for Gonzo Journalism, a sort of sideways way of looking at the news, including such things as giving away superbowl tickets so that he can review it from his hotel room while bouncing a football of the walls. A sort of later day cousin to stream of consciousness writing.

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