Download Virus X Full Movie | Virus X And Film

Genres: Horror , Sci-Fi
Actors: Jai Day , Domiziano Arcangeli , Joe Zaso , Dylan Vox , Sybil Danning , Sasha Formoso , Kyra Groves , Bo Burroughs , Jillian Easton , Stuart G. Bennett , Lejla Hadzimuratovic , Steven Bordelon , Ron Ruhman , Dave Vescio , Spencer Gray
Director: Ryan Stevens Harris
Country: United States
Year: 2010
IMDB Rating: 2.7/10 (336 votes)

A group of medical scientists are quarantined inside their lab after being infected with a deadly hyper-mutant form of the H1N1 virus. With only 3 days left to live they have no way to escape and no way out. While the deceitful head doctor monitors them from a hidden surveillance room the scientists must uncover the harrowing truth behind their detainment and force their own way to freedom.

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