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Genres: Sci-Fi , Thriller
Actors: James Caan , Joanna Moore , Robert Duvall , Barbara Baxley , Charles Aidman , Steve Ihnat , Michael Murphy , Ted Knight , Stephen Coit , John Rayner , Charles Irving , Bobby Riha
Director: Robert Altman
Country: United States
Year: 1968
IMDB Rating: 6.2/10 (689 votes)

The Apollo 3 crew are training when it is discovered that the Russians plan a moon landing. The Americans enact a makeshift plan to land a man on the moon first, using an older style Gemini spacecraft. Lee is chosen as the astronaut instead of Chiz, who was trained for the mission, because Lee has no military connection. Lee has three weeks to train before take-off, and will have to stay on the moon in a shelter for about a year, until an Apollo is ready to pick him up. However the Russians take off two days earlier than expected.

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