Download The Only Good Indian Full Movie | The Only Good Indian Online Soundtrack Download

Genres: Western
Actors: Wes Studi , J. Kenneth Campbell , Winter Fox Frank , Paul Butler , Thirza Defoe , Christopher Wheatley , Laura Kirk , Delanna Studi , Blake Robbins , Kevin Geer , Kip Niven , T. Max Graham , David Midthunder , Scott Allegrucci , Queen Bey
Director: Kevin Willmott
Country: United States
Year: 2009
IMDB Rating: 5.2/10 (197 votes)

Set in Kansas during the early 1900s, a teen-aged Native American boy (newcomer Winter Fox Frank) is taken from his family and forced to attend a distant Indian "training" school to assimilate into White society. When he escapes to return to his family, Sam Franklin (Wes Studi), a bounty hunter of Cherokee descent, is hired to find and return him to the institution. Franklin, a former Indian scout for the U.S. Army, has renounced his Native heritage and has adopted the White Man's way of life, believing it's the only way for Indians to survive. Along the way, a tragic incident spurs Franklin's longtime nemesis, the famous "Indian Fighter" Sheriff Henry McCoy (J. Kenneth Campbell), to pursue both Franklin and the boy.

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